Are you confronting a role of leadership and sometimes it seems the most difficult thing in the world? Don't worry, that is a normal feeling. If you're starting in your leader position we can help you get used to it and most importantly, become the leader your workers need!
Depending upon your view, leadership is extremely easy or is very difficult. This is a key point: leadership has everything to do with underlying psychology: are you trustworthy; do you collaborate; do you communicate effectively - do you do these things consistently and naturally... do you demonstrate authentic leadership? This workshop helps you to develop an understanding of your moral compass - your values, beliefs and mindset - the things going on in your head that dictate your leadership style. Using a variety of assessment toolkits, we then work with you on a confidential 1:1 basis to create an Authentic Leader Pathway. Our workshop explores the key aspects of emotional maturity, collaboration, communication, equanimity, ethics, and behaviour. This 3-day experience helps you to reflect on your personal ecosystem - what makes you 'you' - and how to align it to an authentic style of leadership.
Objetivos: Objectives & Outcomes include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore your inner thinking as you identify and address negative behaviours. - Understand why you have certain thoughts / reactions and how they impact your actions. - Explore your moral code and check its alignment with your leadership approach. - Develop a leadership pathway for you to action; and nurture your authenticity.
A quién va dirigido: People from all levels in an organisation can attend. Not only will it build your personal and professional psychology but we recognise that this is a fantastic workshop for job seekers who wanted something extra against their career history.